Why does CLGeocoder reverseGeocodeLocation return a placemark with different lat/long when it looks up address?
Background: In terms of a user "long pressing" on the map to drop a pin, but my code reverse Geocoding this to be able to put an area name on the Pin, but then the PIN dropped is in a different location (i.e. not a good user experience). So I'm looking for a way to utilise the lat/long the user actually selected, but then just look up the location name.
Example: With code below I see:
import UIKit
import CoreLocation
import PlaygroundSupport
// Initial Test Co-ordinate
let locInput = CLLocation(latitude: -28.778021889561444, longitude: 152.97857401126666)
print("Input: \(locInput.coordinate.latitude), \(locInput.coordinate.longitude)")
// Initiate Reverse Geocoding
let geocoder: CLGeocoder = CLGeocoder()
print("About to call reverse geocoding function")
geocoder.reverseGeocodeLocation(locInput) { placemarks, error in
guard let placemarks = placemarks else {fatalError("No Placemarks Provided \(error?.localizedDescription)")}
for p in placemarks {
print("OUTPUT: \(p.location!.coordinate.latitude), \(p.location!.coordinate.longitude)")
// Enable Asynch
PlaygroundPage.current.needsIndefiniteExecution = true
It's a correct behaviour. The placemark will returns it's associated location. Which obviously could differ from the input one. When you provide a location to the geocoder, this one will "infer" the placemark you want to get.
Suppose this:
a: Associated location with the empire state building. b: Location you provided from an long press for instance. ------- | | | a | --> CLPlacemark: Empire state building, location: a | b| -------
You were right in your assumptions. :)