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Delphi 7 - Charset REST JSON

With Delphi 7 and Indy 9.00.10 I'm using a REST API with JSON. I create a GET request with the TidHTTP component like this.

IdHTTP1.HandleRedirects := True;
IdHTTP1.ReadTimeout     := 5000;
IdHTTP1.Request.Accept  := 'application/json';
IdHTTP1.Request.AcceptCharSet  := 'UTF-8';
IdHTTP1.Request.AcceptLanguage := 'sv';
IdHTTP1.Request.ContentType    := 'application/json';
Memo1.Text := IdHTTP1.Get('');

I have tried several charset but can not correct the Swedish characters like å,ä,ö in the response.

  • å becomes Ã¥
  • ä becomes ä
  • ö becomes ö

What am I doing wrong here?


  • In Delphi 7 System unit there's an UTF8ToAnsi() function. Use like this:

      Memo1.Text := UTF8ToAnsi(IdHTTP1.Get(''));

    The result is correct in Delphi 7.