I would like to add a TextAnnotation that is positioned in a specific location on the plot area in a way that it is independent of the axis pan or zoom - similar to a watermark.
I noticed the TextAnnotation position can only be determined by a DataPoint, while the ImageAnnotation has the X and Y properties for positioning.
It is easy to create a custom one:
public class CustomTextAnnotation : Annotation
public CustomTextAnnotation()
{ }
public string Text { get; set; }
public double X { get; set; }
public double Y { get; set; }
public override void Render(IRenderContext rc)
double pX = PlotModel.PlotArea.Left + X;
double pY = PlotModel.PlotArea.Top + Y;
rc.DrawMultilineText(new ScreenPoint(pX, pY), Text, TextColor, Font, FontSize, FontWeight);
Please note that you should set the Font, FontSize, etc.:
plotModel.Annotations.Add(new CustomTextAnnotation() {
Text = "A B C",
X = 110,
Y = 10,
Font = "Times New Roman",
FontSize = 12,
TextColor = OxyColors.Black });
Also, please note that you can add other properties such as border colors and other stuff too, however, things might get complicated (I didn't try).
Hope it helps: