I try to get started from official document step by step.
I can register succeed , but it crash when i click the drawer's arrow button on ConversationActivity.
I want to find out what's happening but i can't find the activity which is the ConversationActivity
If i can't find ConversationActivity , how do i find the error and control the button event like drawer's arrow ?
Note if this is add
compile 'com.applozic.communication.uiwidget:mobicomkitui:4.78'
in your app build.gradle then you can't edit the files comment the above compile line of code in your build.gradle dependencies
Then clone or download the sample project from this github link https://github.com/AppLozic/Applozic-Android-SDK after downloaded
import the chat modules by clicking File option-->New-->Import module then go to downloaded project and select mobicomkitui source folder then click finish and then in your app build.gradle file in dependencies add this
compile project(':mobicomkitui')