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Put multiple values in a single attribute of a struct

I need put multiple values ​​in a single attribute of a struct, the attribute that will receive the values ​​is LPSTR, I was trying to pass all this as a vector, compile, but it does not work as I would like.

My struct:

typedef struct _wfs_pin_caps
WORD                wClass;
WORD                fwType;
BOOL                bIDConnect;
WORD                fwIDKey;
WORD                fwValidationAlgorithms;
WORD                fwKeyCheckModes;
LPSTR               lpszExtra; //This attribute must receive more than one value 

As I'm trying to do:

HRESULT WINAPI WFPGetInfo(HSERVICE hService, DWORD dwCategory, LPVOID   lpQueryDetails, DWORD dwTimeOut, HWND hWnd, REQUESTID ReqID) {


    result = WFMAllocateMore(sizeof(WFSPINCAPS), lpWFSResult, &lpWFSResult->lpBuffer);


    //This Values
    vector<LPSTR> Tokens;
        Tokens[1] = (LPSTR)"Value1";
        Tokens[2] = (LPSTR)"Value2";
        Tokens[3] = (LPSTR)"Value4";
        Tokens[4] = (LPSTR)"Value5";

        PinCapabilities.lpszExtra = (LPSTR)&Tokens; //Pass HERE




  • Your question is very unclear, but if I understand it, the problem is that you are setting lpszExtra to a local vector Tokens (stored in the stack) and that will be destroyed at the end of that function.

    One way would be creating the vector in the heap like this:

    // Create a new vector in the heap of 5 elements (0..4)
    vector<LPSTR> &Tokens = *new vector<LPSTR>(5); 
    Tokens[1] = (LPSTR) "Value1";
    Tokens[2] = (LPSTR) "Value2";
    Tokens[3] = (LPSTR) "Value4";
    Tokens[4] = (LPSTR) "Value5";
    PinCapabilities.lpszExtra = (LPSTR) &Tokens; //Pass HERE
    // Assuming that lpBuffer has room for a WFSPINCAPS structure
    memcpy(lpWFSResult->lpBuffer, &PinCapabilities, sizeof(WFSPINCAPS));

    Now the ((LPWFSPINCAPS)lpWFSResult->lpBuffer)->lpszExtra contains a valid pointer to a vector that can be used in any other function like this:

    LPWFSPINCAPS pPinCapabilities = (LPWFSPINCAPS) lpWFSResult->lpBuffer;
    vector<LPSTR> &Tokens = *(vector<LPSTR> *) pPinCapabilities->lpszExtra;
    LPSTR str = Tokens[3]; // Will get "Value4"

    But don't forget that in some point you will have to release the vector's memory:

    LPWFSPINCAPS pPinCapabilities2 = (LPWFSPINCAPS) lpWFSResult->lpBuffer;
    delete (vector<LPSTR> *) pPinCapabilities2->lpszExtra;

    And please next time try to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example to help us to help you.