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Coldfusion - Session.dsn Confusion

I'm being tasked to help with a slow takeover of a large ColdFusion app for our organization. I'm not finding the syntax or functions terribly hard to understand, but I do have one thing I can't find an answer to:

<cfquery name="testquery" datasource="#Session.dsn#">

My question is simple: (at least it sounds that way:)

What is "#Session.dsn#" referrring to?

As best I can tell, it's not a user defined variable, but something built into CF. Am I wrong there? If I were to take a stab, I would say that it is a generic variable referring to the database that is currently assigned to the site. I have not gone through the setup process or configuring of CF admin, as that way already done for this project. Am I far off in my guess?


  • As the comments say, it is most likely a Datasource Name. You should dump it to know for sure: <cfdump var='#Session.dsn#'>.