I defined the macros below as levels of the variables id
, var1
and var2
levelsof id, local(id_lev) sep(,)
levelsof var1, local(var1_lev) sep(,)
levelsof var2, local(var2_lev) sep(,)
I'd like to be able to reference the level values stored in these macros by their index during foreach
and forval
loops. I'm learning how to use macros, so I'm not sure if this is possible.
When I try to access a single element of any of the above macros, every element of the macro is displayed. For example, if I display
the first element of id_lev
, every element is displayed as a single element (and, the last element is listed as an invalid name which I don't understand):
. di `id_lev'[1]
0524062407240824092601260226032604 invalid name
Furthermore, if I attempt to refer to elements of any of the macros in a loop (examples of what I've tried given below), I receive the error that the third value of the list of levels is an invalid number.
foreach i of numlist 1/10 {
whatever `var1'[i] `var2'[i], gen(newvar)
forval i = 1/10 {
local var1_ `: word `i' of `var1''
local var2_ `: word `i' of `var2''
whatever `var1_' `var2_', gen(newvar)
Is it not possible to reference elements of a macro by its index?
Or am I referencing the index values incorrectly?
Update 1:
I've gotten everything to work (thank you), save for adapting the forval
loop given in William's answer to my loops above in which I am trying to access the macros of two variables at the same index value.
Specifically, I want to call on the first, second, ..., last elements of var1
and var2
simultaneously so that I can use the elements in a loop to produce a new variable. How can I adapt the forval
loop suggested by William to accomplish this?
Update 2:
I was able to adapt the code given by William below to create the functioning loop:
levelsof id, clean local(id_lev)
macro list _id_lev
local nid_lev : word count `id_lev'
levelsof var1, local(var1_lev)
macro list _var1_lev
local nvar1_lev : word count `var1_lev'
levelsof var2, local(var2_lev)
macro list _var2_lev
local nvar2_lev : word count `var2_lev'
forval i = 1/`nid_lev' {
local id : word `i' of `id_lev'
macro list _id
local v1 : word `i' of `var1_lev'
macro list _v1
local v2 : word `i' of `var2_lev'
macro list _v2
whatever `v1' `v2', gen(newvar)
You will benefit, as I mentioned in my closing remark on your previous question, from close study of section 18.3 of the Stata User's Guide PDF.
sysuse auto, clear
tab rep78, missing
levelsof rep78, missing local(replvl)
macro list _replvl
local numlvl : word count `replvl'
macro list _numlvl
forval i = 1/`numlvl' {
local level : word `i' of `replvl'
macro list _level
display `level'+1000
. sysuse auto, clear
(1978 Automobile Data)
. tab rep78, missing
Repair |
Record 1978 | Freq. Percent Cum.
1 | 2 2.70 2.70
2 | 8 10.81 13.51
3 | 30 40.54 54.05
4 | 18 24.32 78.38
5 | 11 14.86 93.24
. | 5 6.76 100.00
Total | 74 100.00
. levelsof rep78, missing local(replvl)
1 2 3 4 5 .
. macro list _replvl
_replvl: 1 2 3 4 5 .
. local numlvl : word count `replvl'
. macro list _numlvl
_numlvl: 6
. forval i = 1/`numlvl' {
2. local level : word `i' of `replvl'
3. macro list _level
4. display `level'+1000
5. }
_level: 1
_level: 2
_level: 3
_level: 4
_level: 5
_level: .