How can I modify an ionic searchbar programatically in Ionic 2? I searched this for a while and did not come across anything that solves it.
I want to access & modify the default methods of the searchbar object from the searchview.ts. (e.g. inside onClear(), call onCancel() & navigate to a different view). This is the searchbar in my html file.
<ion-searchbar [showCancelButton]="true" (ionClear)="onClear()">
I want to do something like;
var searchbar = this.searchbar // reference the search bar in the html file, but how do I get this?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Edit: added code sample. Modified the example to calling onCancel() from onClear(), instead of vice versa.
I figured I did not know how to ask the question right, I should have asked how do you access a child component/view in the html from the controller;
<ion-searchbar #mySearchBar (ionCancel)="onCancel()"></ion-searchbar>
Then access it like this;
@ViewChild('mySearchBar') searchbar:Searchbar;
and use it like this;
The whole code;
import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { Searchbar } from 'ionic-angular';
export class DictionaryPage {
@ViewChild('mySearchBar') searchbar:Searchbar;