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What to use for Messaging with C#

So my company stores alot of data in a foxpro database and trying to get around the performance hit of touching it directly I was thinking of messaging anything that can be done asynchronously for a snappier user experience. I started looking at ActiveMQ but don't know how well C# will hook with it. Wanting to hear what all of you guys think.

edit : It is going to be a web application. Anything touching this foxpro is kinda slow (probably because the person who set it up 10 years ago messed it all to hell, some of the table files are incredibly large). We replicate the foxpro to sql nightly and most of our data reads are ok being a day old so we are focusing on the writes. plus the write affects a critical part of the user experience (purchasing), we store it in sql and then just message to have it put into foxpro when it can. I wish we could just get rid of the foxpro, unfortunately the company doesn't want to get rid of a very old piece of software they bought that depends on it.


  • ActiveMQ works well with C# using the Spring.NET integrations and NMS. A post with some links to get you started in that direction is here. Also consider using MSMQ (The System.Messaging namespace) or a .NET based asynchronous messaging solution, with some options here.