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Struct forward list items disapearing?

This piece of code is getting quite on my nerves. Been debugging it for a while, cant believe how rusty i've got on c++.

I'm trying to model a graph to run some simple algorithms on, but that doesn't seem to work out so well. Every vertex contains a forward list to his neighbors, however when inserting the elements their obviously present.. Until I reach the print function; at that time the forward list is empty.

I've tried to allocate the forward_list using new aswell, as scoping could be an explication for it.. No luck there either..

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <forward_list>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

typedef struct Vertex Vertex;

struct Vertex {
    unsigned id;

    bool operator < (const Vertex &other) const { return id <; };

typedef set<Vertex> Graph;
typedef vector<Vertex*> Index;
typedef pair<unsigned, unsigned> Edge;
typedef forward_list<Vertex*> Neighbors;

// Function:    process_line()
// Purpose:     process a specific line from the file.
// Params:      line to process
Edge process_line(string line){
    unsigned vertex_from;
    unsigned vertex_to;

    int idx = line.find(" ");

    vertex_from = (unsigned)stoul(line.substr(0, idx));
    vertex_to = (unsigned)stoul(line.substr(idx+1, line.length()));

    return make_pair(vertex_from, vertex_to);

// Function:    load_graph()
// Purpose:     load graph from file in relation
// Params:      path, and reference to graph and index
bool load_graph(string file_path, Graph &graph, Index &index){
    string line;
    ifstream file(file_path);
    bool foundEmptyLine = false;

        while(getline(file, line)){
                foundEmptyLine = true;

                // processing vertexes
                Vertex *vertex = new Vertex;

                vertex->id = stoul(line);
                //Processing relations
                Edge edge = process_line(line);

                Vertex* neighbor =;
                Vertex* source =;

                // Lookup edge in index

                // ITEMS PRESENT! <----------------------
        cout << "Unable to open " << file_path;
        return false;

    return true;

void print_graph(Graph &graph){
    for(Graph::iterator it = graph.begin(); it != graph.end(); ++it){
        Neighbors neighs = it->_next;

        cout << "Node: " << it->id << " neighbors: " neighs.empty();

        cout << endl;

// Entry point.
int main() {
    Graph graph;
    Index index;

    load_graph("graph_1.txt", graph, index);


  • This is once again the same problem as yesterday.

    Let's try to recapitulate the std::set

    • Since C++11 the iterator of a std::set is always an iterator to const value_type. This is because when we change an entry of a std::set this entry would need to be placed somewhere else in the data structure.
    • When we insert something into a std::set, two signatures are provided:

      pair<iterator,bool> insert (const value_type& val);
      pair<iterator,bool> insert (value_type&& val);

      But in any case the insertion copies or moves the element into the container.

    So in your case when you do

    Vertex *vertex = new Vertex;
    vertex->id = stoul(line);

    First you allocate memory (which by the way you never delete! You will leak much memory, which you can check using valgrind). Then you insert a copy of your vertex into the std::set and insert the pointer of your allocated memory into the std::vector.

    When you then later do

    Vertex* neighbor =;
    Vertex* source =;
    // Lookup edge in index

    You take the Vertex from your vector (remember, this is the vertex which you allocated with new). And insert another vertex (also dynamically allocated) into its std::forward_list. But: They have nothing to do with the vertex which are in your std::set.

    So when you then later go through your std::set:

    for (Graph::iterator it = graph.begin(); it != graph.end(); ++it)

    This is completely unrelated to what you did when when inserting the edges - and all std::forward_lists are empty.

    Side notes:

    • This is something you had to use in C, but not in C++!

      typedef struct Vertex Vertex;
    • This one you should place above:

      typedef forward_list<Vertex*> Neighbors;

      It doesn't make sense to declare the type of Neighbors after you declared _next, because _next has this type.

    • Use const whereever you can, and cbegin / cend whereever you can (I already told you this yesterday), e.g.:

      for(Graph::iterator it = graph.cbegin(); it != graph.cend(); ++it){

      It doesn't make a difference here, but if you change the type of graph at some point, begin() may return a iterator to value_type instead of const value_type