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Cannot locate JRE definition: "J2SE-1.8". Launch aborted

I've just booted up a fresh install of Eclipse Neon, downloaded the latest versions of Xtext, Eclipse Facets and ANTLR 4, which gives me a full language and plugin compiler for Eclipse (using Xtext).

I have built my mwe2 workflow for the main project, have clicked on the plugin.xml of the ui project, pressed "Launch an Eclipse Application" to test the grammar, and all of a sudden pops up a small box stating:

Cannot locate JRE definition: "J2SE-1.8". Launch aborted."

Absolutely no stack trace or anything. Just this ambiguous line...

I am using this fresh install on my Windows computer, because the exact same error, word-for-word shows up on my Mac. I have my Java installed fine on both, using the latest versions of 1.8, so there must be something wrong with either Java itself, Xtext, or Eclipse.

What do I do!?


  • This is a bug in Xtext:

    Workaround (1): Open generated launch config an replace J2SE-1.8 with JavaSE-1.8
    Workaround (2): Chose Debug, Debug Configureations ..., Debug (will autorepair the launch config)