Here's the message I'm getting in the Developer console:
Your Production APK needs to meet the following criteria:
Your APK should include customised drawable assets for common tablet screen densities.
-In my manifest I have:
-In /src/main/res I have mipmap-hdpi to xxxhdpi folders each containing a launcher icon.
-I have uploaded the appropriate tablet screenshots as the store demands.
All of the above seems to work fine. So, what am I missing?
From what I can gather by searching, it's possible that a lack of drawable content is incorrectly failing my APK, but I have no need for any other than the launcher icons. Would anybody be able to tell me how to dummy this, please? I can't even find an explicit description of the folder structure.
Eventually I gave up and filled out this form to declare the app tablet-friendly, if you're sure all the right boxes are ticked, for a manual review. The app was approved within a day and a few days later the "Designed for phones" label on the Google Play Store was gone. No explanation was given regarding the problem.