I tried to replace the tstop
parameter of the text from 120
to 80
. What I got was a single line of text: tstop 80
, losing the rest of the text. I used
sed -i -rne 's/(tstop)\s+\w+/\1 80/gip'
I want to change only the line tstop
and keep the rest of text as it is.
Part of the text is:
X1-grid 1 -6.0 24 u 6.0
X2-grid 1 -24. 96 u 24.
X3-grid 1 -18.0 72 u 18.0
[Chombo Refinement]
Levels 4
Ref_ratio 2 2 2 2 2
Regrid_interval 2 2 2 2
Refine_thresh 0.3
Tag_buffer_size 3
Block_factor 8
Max_grid_size 64
Fill_ratio 0.75
CFL 0.3
CFL_max_var 1.1
tstop 120
first_dt 1.e-5
Solver tvdlf
with GNU sed:
sed -E 's/^(tstop +)[^ ]*/\180/' file
sed -E '/^tstop/s/[^ ]+$/80/' file
If you want to edit your file "in place" use sed's option -i