How can I read binary file (get byte array) inside zip archive? I'm using TrueZip.
My example:
import de.schlichtherle.truezip.file.TFile;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class Archive {
private final TFile archive;
// String in HashMap represents filename ( eg. MyTextFile.txt )
private final HashMap<String, TFile> entries = new HashMap<>();
public Archive( String path ) {
this.archive = new TFile(path);
this.listEntries( archive.getAbsolutePath() );
// lists all files
private void listEntries( String pathToZipFile ) {
TFile archive = new TFile( pathToZipFile );
for ( TFile listFile : archive.listFiles() ) {
if ( listFile.isDirectory() ) {
} else {
entries.put(listFile.getName(), listFile);
public byte[] getBytes( String key ) {
TFile file = entries.get(key);
// ...
I am looking for something like this but for TFile / TPath:
Files.readAllBytes( file.toPath() );
There is a TPath class ( and an adaptor for the NIO.2 file system, so its very easy:
Path path = new TPath(new URI(""));
byte[] bytes= Files.readAllBytes(path);