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JPA enumerated entity with ManyToMany relationship

I have two entities with many-to-many relationship. My database structure:

Document    Status                  Document_Status
╔════╗      ╔════╦══════════╗       ╔═════════════╦═══════════╗
║ id ║      ║ id ║  status  ║       ║ document_id ║ status_id ║
╠════╣      ╠════╬══════════╣       ╠═════════════╬═══════════╣
║  1 ║      ║  1 ║ STORED   ║       ║           1 ║         1 ║
║  2 ║      ║  2 ║ APPROVED ║       ║           2 ║         1 ║
║  3 ║      ╚════╩══════════╝       ║           3 ║         2 ║
╚════╝                              ╚═════════════╩═══════════╝

And I want to use enum for Status.

public enum Status {

public class Document {

    private long id;

    // ??
    private Set<Status> statuses;

I've tried to implement it this way, but the solution ignores Status table and tries to create statuses from status_id in EnumType.ORDINAL way:

@ElementCollection(targetClass = Status.class)
@CollectionTable(name = "Document_Status", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "document_id"))
@Column(name = "status_id", nullable = false)
private Set<Status> statuses;

@Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) also doesn't help. It starts to find value with name "1" in Status enum.

I could wrap the enum into entity like recommended here. But isn't it possible to be implemented without creation of wrapper entity?


  • I think you should edit your Entities to be like that


    public class Status {
        public enum StatusEnum {
            STORED, APPROVED
        private Integer id;
        @Column(name = "status")
        private StatusEnum status;


    public class Document {
        private long id;
        private Set<Status> statuses;