Search code examples

how to join and find value in PIG?

* hwo to combine these two tables and check the id's which are greater than 1600 for NDAKOTA regions*

1 alaska robert
2 boston lilly
3 NDakota Michael
4 NDakota Will
5 NDakota Mark

1A 1 09/09/2012 1200
2A 2 8/9/2016 3400
3B 3 4/5/2016 2300

customers = LOAD '/home/vis/Documents/customers' using PigStorage(' ')               AS(cust_id:int,region:chararray,name:chararray);

sales = LOAD '/home/vis/Documents/sales' using PigStorage(' ') 

salesNA = FILTER customers BY region =='NDakota';

joined = JOIN sales BY cust_id,salesNA BY cust_id;

grouped = GROUP joined BY cust_id;

summed= FOREACH grouped GENERATE GROUP,SUM(sales.amount);

bigSpenders= FILTER summed BY 1$>1600;

DUMP sorted;

recieving errors as

enter image description here


  • From Apache Pig Docs

    Use the disambiguate operator ( :: ) to identify field names after JOIN, COGROUP, CROSS, or FLATTEN operators.

    Below code snippet should be suffice to achieve the objective, let me know if you see any issues.

    customers = LOAD 'customers.txt' using PigStorage(' ')  AS(cust_id:int,region:chararray,name:chararray);
    sales = LOAD 'sales.txt' using PigStorage(' ') AS(sales_id:chararray,cust_id:int,date:chararray,amount:int);
    custNA = FILTER customers BY region =='NDakota';
    joined = JOIN sales BY cust_id,custNA BY cust_id;
    req_data = FILTER joined BY amount > 1600;
    DUMP req_data;