I am trying to convert HTML into a PDF, but the HTML is generated dynamically and never actually served up. I've been using node-html-pdf but it has some issues I've found difficult to overcome (known, long-standing bugs).
I thought I'd give wkhtmltopdf (via node-wkhtmltopdf) a try, but it expects a URL.
My current thought (which isn't great) is to expose the HTML via express since I'm already exposing a REST API with this server. While doing this isn't rocket science, it seems pretty complicated to just hand something content from memory.
Does anyone have a good pattern for using wkhtmltopdf from node with HTML held in memory?
Apparently there are two npm packages for this. If you google 'node wkhtmltopdf' you are likely to run into this one first: node-wkhtmltopdf
...but if you look further you'll find: wkhtmltopdf which is seems more actively maintained and has documentation explaining how to use it directly, as mentioned by @Ben Fortune in the comments above.
Using the correct package, it seems well explained how to use HTML directly.