Hello I am trying to fit a psf to an image. The background should be aproximated by lower order polynomials. If I just take a constant it works fine:
def fitter(image, trueImage,psf,intensity):
p0 = [intensity]
meritFun = lambda p: np.ravel(image-(p[0]*psf+p[1]))
p = least_squares(meritFun,p0,method='trf')
Now I have the issue of how to define the x and y's for my polynomials:
#Does not work!
def fitter(image, trueImage,psf,intensity):
p0 = [intensity]
p0.append(1) #some clever initial guess
meritFun = lambda p: np.ravel(image-(p[0]*psf+p[1]+p[2]*x+p[3]*y))
p = least_squares(meritFun,p0,method='trf')
x and y are obviuosly the indices i, j of my image array, but how do I tell that my fit routine?
As Paul Panzer mentioned in the comments, one way of solving this is by using np.ogrid:
def fitter(image, trueImage,psf,intensity):
x = np.ogrid[:image.shape[0]]
y = np.ogrid[:image.shape[1]]
p0 = [intensity]
meritFun = lambda p: np.ravel(image-(p[0]*psf+p[1]+p[2]*x+p[3]*y))
p = least_squares(meritFun,p0,method='trf')