Search code examples

elastic4s: deserializing search results

I'm using elastic4s library to query elasticsearch (ES). Version of elastic4s and ES itself 2.4.0.

Suppose I have a compound object that I put to ES like

case class MyObject(id: Long, vall: KeyVal, vals: Seq[KeyVal])  

where KeyVal is

case class KeyVal(id: Long, name: String)  

Now I queried ES and got the response which I want to deserialiize back to MyObject:

implicit object MyObjectHitAs extends HitAs[MyObject] {
   override def as(hit: RichSearchHit): MyObject = {
       KeyVal(hit.field("").getValue[Long], field("").getValue[String]),
       //what should I code here to get the Seq[KeyVal] ???

Please explain how can I deserialize the Array of KeyVal. Thank you.


  • In the more recent versions of elastic4s, ie 5.0 onwards, you would use the HitReader typeclass. Your example would then look like this.

     implicit object MyObjectHitAs extends HitReader[MyObject] {
        override def read(hit: Hit): Either[Throwable, MyObject] = {
          val obj = MyObject(
            KeyVal(hit.sourceField("").toString.toLong, hit.sourceField("").toString),
            hit.sourceField("vals").asInstanceOf[Seq[AnyRef]].map { entry =>
              KeyVal(hit.sourceField("").toString.toLong, hit.sourceField("").toString)

    Although it is a lot easier to use the built in json mappers than hand craft it.