I'm using elastic4s library to query elasticsearch (ES). Version of elastic4s and ES itself 2.4.0.
Suppose I have a compound object that I put to ES like
case class MyObject(id: Long, vall: KeyVal, vals: Seq[KeyVal])
where KeyVal is
case class KeyVal(id: Long, name: String)
Now I queried ES and got the response which I want to deserialiize back to MyObject
implicit object MyObjectHitAs extends HitAs[MyObject] {
override def as(hit: RichSearchHit): MyObject = {
KeyVal(hit.field("vall.id").getValue[Long], field("vall.name").getValue[String]),
//what should I code here to get the Seq[KeyVal] ???
Please explain how can I deserialize the Array of KeyVal. Thank you.
In the more recent versions of elastic4s, ie 5.0 onwards, you would use the HitReader
typeclass. Your example would then look like this.
implicit object MyObjectHitAs extends HitReader[MyObject] {
override def read(hit: Hit): Either[Throwable, MyObject] = {
val obj = MyObject(
KeyVal(hit.sourceField("vall.id").toString.toLong, hit.sourceField("vall.name").toString),
hit.sourceField("vals").asInstanceOf[Seq[AnyRef]].map { entry =>
KeyVal(hit.sourceField("vall.id").toString.toLong, hit.sourceField("vall.name").toString)
Although it is a lot easier to use the built in json mappers than hand craft it.