I'm running raspbian on a raspberry pi and installed the mqtt broker v. and now I want to get the messages from the broker on the same machine (the raspberry pi) over mosquitto websockets.
I tried to set up the config file like this:
mosquitto -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
I took a look at that question: Mosquitto 1.4.2 Websocket support
But I can't find any directory called: mosquitto-1.4.X
Where can I find it and does this solve the issue I'm having?
The X in mosquitto-1.4.X
is for the version number and in the answer you point to they are talking about having built mosquitto from it's source.
When you download the source it unpacks into a directory with that naming structure.
It sounds like the version you have installed does not have Websockets support compiled in. The answer in the linked question explains how to enable Websocket support before rebuilding and installing.