I found a strange problem in pywinauto, when I send any key or mouse event to the application window I want, the target window will always resize, my code is as following:
app = pywinauto.application.Application()
comapp = app.connect(path = "myApp.exe")
win.ClickInput(coords=(myX, myY),absolute=True)
I'm sure the last statement:
win.ClickInput(coords=(myX, myY),absolute=True),
causes the window resizing, the target window is in maximum size status. Who could help me fix this issue? and work around it is also OK.
I like to use maximum size window, because the mouse's coordinates could be fixed when the window is in maximum size.
Thanks in advance.
It's fixed in pywinauto 0.6.2. Just upgrade it by pip install -U pywinauto