Very new to Python and could do with some help. How do I go about referencing members in a class? I have two csv files. One contains a series of parts and associated material ID. The other is a material index that contains materials ID's and some information about that material.
My intention is to create a third file that contains all of the parts, their material Id's and the information if present in the material index.
I have created a class for the material index and am trying to access objects in this class using material Ids from the part file however, this is not working and I am unsure as to why. Any help is appreciated:
class material():
def __init__(self, name, ftu, e, nu): = name
self.ftu = ftu
self.e = e = nu
def extract_FTU_Strain(input_file_parts,input_file_FTU,output_file):
parts = {}
materials = {}
for aline in open(input_file_FTU, 'r'):
comma_split = aline.strip().split(',')
name = comma_split[1]
ftu = comma_split[8]
e = comma_split[9]
nu = comma_split[7]
materials[int(comma_split[0])] = material(comma_split[1],comma_split[8],comma_split[9],comma_split[7])
#materials[comma_split[0]] = material(comma_split[1],comma_split[8],comma_split[9],comma_split[7])
for i in open(input_file_parts, 'r'):
semicolon_split = i.strip().split(';')
material_id = semicolon_split[3]
part = semicolon_split[0]
part_id = semicolon_split[1]
material_name = materials[material_id].name
FTU = materials[material_id].ftu
Stress = materials[material_id].e
output.write(','.join([part,part_id,material_name,material_id,FTU,Stress]) + '\n')
output = open (output_file,'w')
output.write('Part Title, Part Id, Material Id, FTU, e' + '\n')
import sys
input_file_parts = '/parttable.csv'
input_file_FTU = '/Material_Index.csv'
output_file = '/PYTHONTESTING123.csv'
Since in the comments you said your error is in materials[material_id]
make material_id
an integer as it was an integer when you created the object.
You created it this way
But later called it without converting material_id
to an int. Do this before calling it in your for loop to write in the output.
material_id = int(material_id)