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How do I add multiple models to one view?

I'm trying to use three different models in one view. I've created a new model that inherits the models which seems to work fine.

from openerp import models, fields, api

class ProjectNote(models.Model):
    _name = "triangle.project.note"
    _inherit = ["note.note", "project.project", "triangle.note"]

My problem is in the view. I use my new model as the model and inherit a view from project.

<record id="view_project_notes_form" model="ir.ui.view">
      <field name="name">triangle.project.note.form</field>
      <field name="model">triangle.project.note</field>
      <field name="inherit_id" ref="project.edit_project"/>
      <field name="arch" type="xml">
          <xpath expr="//field[@name='privacy_visibility']" position="replace">
              <field name="title" placeholder="Title"/>

I don't get any errors but my field is not being added.

Any help is appreciated!


  • If you're trying to open a project.project view and wondering why there is no field title in it: there can't be. You aren't extending the project view for model project.project but are defining a form view for your model triangle.project.note which inherits the project view.

    So the project views are untouched, you've just created the first form view for your new model.