I have a script which pulls all the pm files in my directory and look for certain pattern and change them to desired value, i tried Tie::File but it's not looking to content of the file
use File::Find;
use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);
use Tie::File;
my @content;
find( \&wanted, '/home/idiotonperl/project/');
sub wanted {
push @content, $File::Find::name;
my @content1 = grep{$_ =~ /.*.pm/} @content;
@content = @content1;
for my $absolute_path (@content) {
my @array='';
print $absolute_path;
tie @array, 'Tie::File', $absolute_path or die qq{Not working};
print Dumper @array;
foreach my $line(@array) {
untie @array;
the output is
Not working at tiereplacer.pl line 22.
this is not working as intended(looking into the content of all pm file), if i try to do the same operation for some test file under my home for single file, the content is getting replaced
@content = ‘home/idiotonperl/option.pm’
it’s working as intended
Working fine for me:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use common::sense;
use File::Find;
use Tie::File;
my @content;
find(\&wanted, '/home/mishkin/test/t/');
sub wanted {
push @content, $File::Find::name;
@content = grep{$_ =~ /.*\.pm$/} @content;
for my $absolute_path (@content) {
my @array='';
say $absolute_path;
tie @array, 'Tie::File', $absolute_path or die "Not working: $!";
for my $line (@array) {
$line =~ s/PERL/perl/g;
untie @array;