I've tried using the below
$string= 'hello world<br>this is newline<br><br>another line';
echo $string.'<hr><br>';
echo preg_replace_callback('/^[a-zA-Z0-9]/m', function($m) {
return strtoupper($m[0]);
}, $string);
the output:
Hello world
this is newline
another line
i need to change the first letter of word "this" and "another" too. so the output become like this:
Hello world
This is newline
Another line
Here is how you can achieve what you want:
$string= 'hello world<br>this is newline<br><br>another line<hr><br>';
$parts = preg_split( "/<br>|<hr>/", $string ); // split string by either <br> or <hr>
$parts = array_filter($parts); // clean array from empty values
$parts = array_map('ucfirst',$parts); // array of lines with first letter capitalized
echo $partString = implode("<br>",$parts);