I am coding an Android application that uses the Google Fit API to connect to a bluetooth wrist band with the goal of collecting the heart rate information from the sensor. Here are the functions that I am using:
In the app main activity:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (!checkPermissions()) {
if (!checkPermissionsBody()) {
Permission Request functions:
// Now we need a function to check permissions
private boolean checkPermissions() {
int permissionState = ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this,
return permissionState == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;
// Now we need a function to check permissions body sensors
private boolean checkPermissionsBody() {
int permissionState = ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this,
return permissionState == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED;
// If permissions are not given, we need to request permissions
private void requestPermissions() {
Log.d(TAG,"getting permissions");
boolean shouldProvideRationale =
// Provide an additional rationale to the user. This would happen if the user denied the
// request previously, but didn't check the "Don't ask again" checkbox.
if (shouldProvideRationale) {
Log.i(TAG, "Displaying permission rationale to provide additional context.");
.setAction(R.string.ok, new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
// Request permission
new String[]{Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION},
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "Requesting permission");
// Request permission. It's possible this can be auto answered if device policy
// sets the permission in a given state or the user denied the permission
// previously and checked "Never ask again".
new String[]{Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION},
// If permissions are not given, we need to request permissions
private void requestPermissionsBody() {
Log.d(TAG,"getting permissions");
boolean shouldProvideRationale =
// Provide an additional rationale to the user. This would happen if the user denied the
// request previously, but didn't check the "Don't ask again" checkbox.
if (shouldProvideRationale) {
Log.i(TAG, "Displaying permission rationale to provide additional context.");
.setAction(R.string.ok, new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
// Request permission
new String[]{Manifest.permission.BODY_SENSORS},
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "Requesting permission");
// Request permission. It's possible this can be auto answered if device policy
// sets the permission in a given state or the user denied the permission
// previously and checked "Never ask again".
new String[]{Manifest.permission.BODY_SENSORS},
onResume function:
protected void onResume() {
// This ensures that if the user denies the permissions then uses Settings to re-enable
// them, the app will start working.
// now find the bluetooth devices
// Connect to the Client
// Search for the data sources
Building the API Client:
private void buildFitnessClient() {
if (mClient == null && checkPermissions()&& checkPermissionsBody()) {
mClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)
.addScope(new Scope(Scopes.FITNESS_BODY_READ))
new GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks() {
public void onConnected(Bundle bundle) {
Log.i(TAG, "Connected!!!");
// Now you can make calls to the Fitness APIs.
public void onConnectionSuspended(int i) {
// If your connection to the sensor gets lost at some point,
// you'll be able to determine the reason and react to it here.
if (i == GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks.CAUSE_NETWORK_LOST) {
Log.i(TAG, "Connection lost. Cause: Network Lost.");
} else if (i
== GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks.CAUSE_SERVICE_DISCONNECTED) {
"Connection lost. Reason: Service Disconnected");
.enableAutoManage(this, 0, new GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener() {
public void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult result) {
Log.i(TAG, "Google Play services connection failed. Cause: " +
"Exception while connecting to Google Play services: " +
Now find the fitness source:
private void findFitnessDataSources() {
// [START find_data_sources]
// Note: Fitness.SensorsApi.findDataSources() requires the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission.
Fitness.SensorsApi.findDataSources(mClient, new DataSourcesRequest.Builder()
// At least one datatype must be specified.
// Can specify whether data type is raw or derived.
.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<DataSourcesResult>() {
public void onResult(DataSourcesResult dataSourcesResult) {
Log.i(TAG, "Result: " + dataSourcesResult.getStatus().toString());
for (DataSource dataSource : dataSourcesResult.getDataSources()) {
Log.i(TAG, "Data source found: " + dataSource.toString());
Log.i(TAG, "Data Source type: " + dataSource.getDataType().getName());
//Let's register a listener to receive Activity data!
if (dataSource.getDataType().equals(DataType.TYPE_HEART_RATE_BPM)
&& mListener == null) {
Log.i(TAG, "Data source for Heart Rate found! Registering.");
Build BLE function - this is where you find the bluetooth device:
private void buildBLE(){
BleScanCallback callback = new BleScanCallback() {
public void onDeviceFound(BleDevice device) {
Log.d(TAG,"Found bluetooth Device");
// A device that provides the requested data types is available
PendingResult<Status> pendingResult =
Fitness.BleApi.claimBleDevice(mClient, device);
Log.d(TAG,"Claimed bluetooth Device");
public void onScanStopped() {
// The scan timed out or was interrupted
Log.d(TAG,"Scan was interruped");
StartBleScanRequest request = new StartBleScanRequest.Builder()
if (mClient != null){
PendingResult<Status> pendingResult =
Fitness.BleApi.startBleScan(mClient, request);
Log.d(TAG,"Find Sources");
Log.d(TAG,"Pending result: "+pendingResult.toString());
} else {
Log.d(TAG,"API client is null");
Finally Register the listener:
private void registerFitnessDataListener(DataSource dataSource, DataType dataType) {
// [START register_data_listener]
Log.i(TAG,"Listener Started");
mListener = new OnDataPointListener() {
public void onDataPoint(DataPoint dataPoint) {
for (Field field : dataPoint.getDataType().getFields()) {
Value val = dataPoint.getValue(field);
Log.i(TAG, "Detected DataPoint field: " + field.getName());
Log.i(TAG, "Detected DataPoint value: " + val);
new SensorRequest.Builder()
.setDataSource(dataSource) // Optional but recommended for custom data sets.
.setDataType(dataType) // Can't be omitted.
.setSamplingRate(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<Status>() {
public void onResult(Status status) {
if (status.isSuccess()) {
Log.i(TAG, "Listener registered!");
} else {
Log.i(TAG, "Listener not registered.");
// [END register_data_listener]
Most of these functions are taken directly from the google fit guide here: https://developers.google.com/fit/
The trouble is that when I use these functions the bluetooth device is discovered and claimed in a repeated loop. So the debugging output looks something like this:
Log.d(TAG,"Found bluetooth Device");
Log.d(TAG,"Claimed bluetooth Device");
Log.d(TAG,"Found bluetooth Device");
Log.d(TAG,"Claimed bluetooth Device");
Log.d(TAG,"Found bluetooth Device");
Log.d(TAG,"Claimed bluetooth Device");
Log.d(TAG,"Found bluetooth Device");
Log.d(TAG,"Claimed bluetooth Device");
Log.d(TAG,"Found bluetooth Device");
Log.d(TAG,"Claimed bluetooth Device");
Log.d(TAG,"Found bluetooth Device");
Log.d(TAG,"Claimed bluetooth Device");
Log.d(TAG,"Found bluetooth Device");
Log.d(TAG,"Claimed bluetooth Device");
Log.d(TAG,"Scan cancelled");
Despite the device being claimed many times, there is data coming. This is even despite the fact that the listener is registered. I know because I see the debug line: Log.i(TAG,"Listener Started");
So my question is, is there anything out of place in this code? Has anyone used this before?
For anyone interested in using Google Fit with a BLE device, the answer to this question is that you may only register one device at a time. When you reset you bluetooth adapter you have to re-claim the BLE device in the app. Therefore the proper procedure is to unclaim a BLE device and then reclaim it. Claiming a device multiple times leads to strange errors.