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Flask-SQLAlchemy using STI: how to automatically substitute type field

I'm using Flask-SQLAlchemy==2.2 and have STI (Single Table Inheritance) configuration like this:

from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

db = SQLAlchemy()

class Item(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'item'

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    info = db.Column(db.String(255))
    type = db.Column(db.String())

    __mapper_args__ = {
        'polymorphic_on': type

class ItemA(Item):
    __mapper_args__ = {
        'polymorphic_identity': 'a'

class ItemB(Item):
    __mapper_args__ = {
        'polymorphic_identity': 'b'

class ItemC(Item):
    __mapper_args__ = {
        'polymorphic_identity': 'c'

And I want to query items of a particular kind. I can do it like this:


Is there any chance to do it like the following?




  • It's not working because you are accidentally using joined table inheritance instead. flask-sqlalchemy automatically sets __tablename__ for you. You need to explicitly set it to None if you want single table inheritance:

    class ItemB(Item):
        __tablename__ = None
        __mapper_args__ = {
            'polymorphic_identity': 'b'