I'm using jcenter to resolve my dependencies in Gradle projects, I migrated from mavencentral to jcenter repositories but I noticed that there are missing versions of javers in jcenter.
for example: http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/org/javers/javers-persistence-mongo/
and: https://jcenter.bintray.com/org/javers/javers-persistence-mongo/
I was using 3.0.0 but it's missing in jcenter. Any clue? I thought that jcenter includes mavencentral ...
Unfortunately, jfrog bintray team didn't resolve this issue for seven days since reporting. They don't have any SLA in this case and they can't say when JCenter sync will be fixed for JaVers repository.
Publishing to JCenter seems now pointless to me. Starting from 3.0.2, JaVers artifacts will be published only to Maven Central