I'm wondering how I can actually display a conditional calculation (see below) I'm using to obtain what I call GG
in my R codes (see codes below)?
To be precise, I want to display in my plot that GG
= G1 / G2 (displayed IF type = 1
) and ELSE GG
= (G1 / G2 ) * 2 (displayed IF type == 2
For example, if G1 = 1, G2 = 2, what I want to be shown depending on "type" is one of the following:
Note: In the picture above, I used "X 2" out of hurry, but I need an actual x-like mathematical sign for the multiplication sign.
Below is my R code:
G1 = 1 ## Can be any other number, comes from a function
G2 = 2 ## Can be any other number, comes from a function
type = 1 ## Can be either 1 or 2
plot(1:10,ty="n",ann=F, bty="n")
text( 6, 6, expression(paste("GG = ", ifelse(type==1, frac(G1, G2), frac(G1, G2)*2 ), " = ",
G1/G2, sep = "")), col = "red4", cex = 1.6 )
Using bquote
, use .()
to add dynamic values into expression:
type = 1
plot(1:10, ty = "n", ann = F, bty = "n")
text(6, 6,
bquote(paste("GG = ", frac(.(G1), .(G2)),
.(ifelse(type == 1, " × 2", "")),
" = ",
.(ifelse(type == 1, G1/G2 * 2, G1/G2)), sep = "")),
col = "red4", cex = 1.6)
Note: ASCII code for Multiplication Sign(×) is Alt 0215