For this project I'm designing a sequencer/drummachine that should be able to send MIDI notes with a precise tempo. Example: 16 notes per 2 seconds (i.e. in music terminology sixteen 1/16-notes per bar at BPM 120), i.e. one note every 125 milliseconds.
I'm thinking about:
import time
def midi_note_send(...):
while True:
If I do like this, how to be sure it will be exactly 125 milliseconds? Isn't there a risk that 1000 iterations of this loop will be using 126 seconds instead of 125 seconds? If so, how to have a more precise loop?
Final note: a good drummachine should be able to keep a 120 BPM rythm during 1 hour, with a precision error < 1 second.
Used platform: Linux + RaspberryPi but this question is valid in general.
As I showed here
import time
def drummer():
counter = 0
# time.sleep(time.time() * 8 % 1 / 8) # enable to sync clock for demo
while counter < 60 * 8:
counter += 1
print time.time()
time.sleep(.125 - time.time() * 8 % 1 / 8)
This timer adjusts every beat and realigns.
And the adjustment takes almost no time:
timeit.timeit("time.time() * 8 % 1 / 8", number=1000000)
which means every time it does that it takes about 0.25 microseconds
and for accuracy:
~28 microseconds of drift between notes. Running it locally for a longer time yields ~130μs of total drift (+- 65μs), but, as it syncs to the clock every beat, it won't deviate over time.