I have been committing to my local repository today with git commit -a
and entering my commit messages. Everything fine.
At the end of the day I wanted to commit a small change with a single line commit, so I used git commit -m "some message"
and got the following:
On branch ChartFeature
Your branch is ahead of 'origin/ChartFeature' by 2 commits.
(use "git push" to publish your local commits)
Changes not staged for commit:
modified: SomeFolder/Scripts/app/SomeScript.js
no changes added to commit
What have I done wrong?
How do I get git to allow commit -m
Footnote: After failing with -m
a few times and seeing nothing wrong with git log origin/ChartFeature..HEAD
I tried git commit -a
as before and it worked (as expected) though git commit -m
still does not.
git commit -m
does only work when you did a git add something
That is all there is to that! In other words: you haven't added (staged) anything; thus you can't make a commit!
git -a
adds (certain) types of changes automatically; -m does not!
Your status messages tells you:
Changes not staged for commit: modified: SomeFolder/Scripts/app/SomeScript.js