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SP or Function on UnPivoted data using column names

I'm having a hard time getting "yesterday's" row joined to pull historical data. I'm removing a lot of my code for readability, and am simply using "SELECT *" in lieu - it's a big one.

Here is a stripped version of the UNPIVOT:

FROM EODMarkHistory
    FOR Name IN (C0,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9,C10,C11,C12
    ) piv
    INNER JOIN ...

All of these columns hold "mark" values, and I need to grab yesterday's "marks" to compare. I'm trying to keep from having to list each of those in a IF or CASE statement in a function. I wrote a stored procedure that works with dynamic SQL:

SET @MarkDate = DATEADD(DAY,-1,@MarkDate)
DECLARE @DynamicSQL nvarchar(800) = N'SELECT ' + @Column + ' FROM EODMarkHistory WHERE SubGroupCode=''' + @ProductCode + ''' AND MarkDate = ''' + CONVERT(varchar(10),@MarkDate,121) + ''''

exec sp_executesql @DynamicSQL

But of course dynamic SQL can't go into a function, this is a SP, so I can't call this inline.

Do I have any other options than listing all possible columns in a function? If we add columns in the future, maintenance becomes an issue..

I'm looking for a built-in, non-hacky way to accomplish this. If I must do it with hard coding in a function (or a cursor) I will. I was just hoping someone may know of a faster way to get dynamic SQL (or some other option with the same result) to work in this case? Preferably in-line. If in-line dynamic isn't possible, I can hard code it without assistance.

EDIT - small working example

Example Code Only - This is nowhere near correct...

DECLARE @Test TABLE(MarkDate varchar(10),C1 int, C2 int, C3 int, C4 int)
DECLARE @MarkDate datetime = '3/2/2017'


--Current result
FROM @Test
        FOR Name IN (C1,C2,C3,C4)
    ) piv

--Wanted Result
SELECT '3/2/2017' AS MarkDate, 50 AS Value, 'C1' AS Name, 75 AS YestValue
SELECT '3/2/2017' AS MarkDate, -50 AS Value, 'C2' AS Name, -75 AS YestValue
SELECT '3/2/2017' AS MarkDate, 100 AS Value, 'C3' AS Name, 125 AS YestValue
SELECT '3/2/2017' AS MarkDate, -100 AS Value, 'C4' AS Name, -125 AS YestValue


  • This approach uses a TVF to create an EAV structure (Entity Attribute Value) from virtually any table, record, or data-set. Can apply be applied in a CROSS APPLY as well. See the comments at the bottom of the UDF.

    Now, if you don't want a UDF, this approach can easily be used in a CROSS APPLY


    -- Create Some Sample Data
    Declare @Test Table (MarkDate varchar(10),C1 int, C2 int, C3 int, C4 int)
    Insert Into @Test Values ('3/2/2017',50,-50,100,-100),('3/1/2017',75,-75,125,-125)
    -- Set Key Dates
    Declare @Date1 date = '2017-03-01'
    Declare @Date2 date = '2017-03-02'
    -- Execute Code
    Select MarkDate  = @Date2
          ,Value     = max(case when Entity=@Date2 then Value end)
          ,Name      = Attribute
          ,YestValue = max(case when Entity=@Date1 then Value end)
     From [dbo].[udf-EAV]((Select * from @Test Where MarkDate in (@Date1,@Date2) for XML RAW))
     Group By Attribute


    MarkDate    Value   Name        YestValue
    2017-03-02  50      C1          75
    2017-03-02  -50     C2          -75
    2017-03-02  100     C3          125
    2017-03-02  -100    C4          -125

    The UDF if Interested

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf-EAV](@XML xml)
    Returns Table 
    Return (
        with cteKey(k) as (Select Top 1 xAtt.value('local-name(.)','varchar(100)') From @XML.nodes('/row') As A(xRow) Cross Apply A.xRow.nodes('./@*') As B(xAtt))    
        Select Entity    = xRow.value('@*[1]','varchar(50)')
              ,Attribute = xAtt.value('local-name(.)','varchar(100)')
              ,Value     = xAtt.value('.','varchar(max)') 
        From  @XML.nodes('/row') As A(xRow)
        Cross Apply A.xRow.nodes('./@*') As B(xAtt)
        Where xAtt.value('local-name(.)','varchar(100)') Not In (Select k From cteKey)
    -- Notes:  First Field in Query will be the Entity
    -- Select * From [dbo].[udf-EAV]((Select UTCDate=GetUTCDate(),* From sys.dm_os_sys_info for XML RAW))