I've draw polyline programmatically (not using leaflet draw) inside polygone using leaflet draw plugin on map, I want to keep only the points of polyline that are inside of polygone and remove those are outside. Do you have any idea how to do that using a leaflet plugin?. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks
Here is a screenshot:
The expected result:
I did research on difference method of **turf" library as @Sam suggested, so finaly I can apply this method on my drawing polygon and line, here is a code snippet:
var line = path.toGeoJSON();
var polygon = selectedPoly.toGeoJSON();
var difference, result = [];
difference = turf.difference(line, polygon);
if (difference)
var inter = L.geoJson(result).addTo(map);
This is a screenshot of the result:
Now I want to remove this part of line and keep only the section inside polygon, I tried to do that but not working. Can you help me please? Thank you
I'm working with turfjs to check for overlapping polygones in leaflet.
map.on('draw:created', function (e) {
var intersection = [];
otherPolysLayer.eachLayer(function (layer) {
if (!_.isUndefined(turf.intersect(e.layer.toGeoJSON(), ))) {
You could change the above so that instead it checks for the entire polygone, you'd check with the difference method.
difference: Finds the difference between two polygons by clipping the second polygon from the first.
I've been looking for a good while for a decent library and looked into leaflet-pip, kevlindev amongst others but I find that turf really just works out of the box.
http://jsfiddle.net/ddce1wh5/ how about this? I used intersect, because that is apparently the part you'd like to keep, I misread, apologies. The following http://jsfiddle.net/mcqL1y90/ we use an array of lines that uses either the intersecting line, or if no intersection is taking place it takes the line itself to draw on the map.