I have a simple python file simple_events.py that was mistakenly saved outside of my python_practice directory. I am trying to move it back into this directory but I get an error when try.
mv simple_events.py/python_practice
second command:
mv simple_events.py/Users/One-Life.Grind./python_practice
usage: mv [-f | -i | -n] [-v] source target
mv [-f | -i | -n] [-v] source ... directory
If someone could tell me why this isn't working and how to correct it, it would me much appreciated.
mv -u simple_events.py/python_practice
The usage of "-u" means that an existing file will be overwritten if the source file is newer than the file already in place. I would just cp the file
cp -rp /source.file /destination.file
then remove the source by
sudo rm source.file
EDIT:: The "-rp" will recursively copy all folders within a folder, and their respective permissions to the new location.