I'm trying to create and start the service instance. But it doesn't start. Here is the command I ran:
virtuoso-t +service start +instance MyService
Here my output:
The Virtuoso_MyService service is being started
But the localhost:8890
cannot be loaded.
Commands followed.
C:\Users\username\Desktop\foldername\MyWork\virtuoso-opensource\bin>virtuoso-t +service create +instance MyService +configfile ..\database\virtuoso.ini
[Using virtuoso.ini in C:\Users\username\Desktop\foldername\MyWork\virtuoso-opensource\database]
The Virtuoso_MyService service has been registered
and is associated with the executable
C:\Users\username\Desktop\foldername\MyWork\virtuoso-opensource\bin>virtuoso-t +service start +instance MyService
The Virtuoso_MyService service is being started
C:\Users\username\Desktop\foldername\MyWork\virtuoso-opensource\bin>virtuoso-t +service list +instance MyService
MyService Stopped
As suggested by @TallTed, I have added the log:
Wed Mar 01 2017
16:27:37 { Loading plugin 1: Type `plain', file `wikiv' in `../hosting'
16:27:37 WikiV version 0.6 from OpenLink Software
16:27:37 Support functions for WikiV collaboration tool
16:27:37 SUCCESS plugin 1: loaded from ..\hosting\wikiv.dll }
16:27:37 { Loading plugin 2: Type `plain', file `mediawiki' in `../hosting'
16:27:37 MediaWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
16:27:37 Support functions for MediaWiki collaboration tool
16:27:37 SUCCESS plugin 2: loaded from ..\hosting\mediawiki.dll }
16:27:37 { Loading plugin 3: Type `plain', file `creolewiki' in `../hosting'
16:27:37 CreoleWiki version 0.1 from OpenLink Software
16:27:37 Support functions for CreoleWiki collaboration tool
16:27:37 SUCCESS plugin 3: loaded from ..\hosting\creolewiki.dll }
16:27:37 { Loading plugin 4: Type `plain', file `im' in `../hosting'
16:27:37 IM version 0.6 from OpenLink Software
16:27:37 Support functions for Image Magick 6.6.7
16:27:37 SUCCESS plugin 4: loaded from ..\hosting\im.dll }
16:27:37 { Loading plugin 5: Type `plain', file `wbxml2' in `../hosting'
16:27:37 WBXML2 version 0.9 from OpenLink Software
16:27:37 Support functions for WBXML2 0.10.7 Library
16:27:37 SUCCESS plugin 5: loaded from ..\hosting\wbxml2.dll }
16:27:37 Unable to create file virtuoso.lck (File exists).
16:27:37 This probably means you either do not have permission to start
16:27:37 this server, or that virtuoso-t is already running.
16:27:37 If you are absolutely sure that this is not the case, please try
16:27:37 to remove the file virtuoso.lck and start again.
The answer is in the Virtuoso log file --
16:27:37 Unable to create file virtuoso.lck (File exists).
16:27:37 This probably means you either do not have permission to start
16:27:37 this server, or that virtuoso-t is already running.
16:27:37 If you are absolutely sure that this is not the case, please try
16:27:37 to remove the file virtuoso.lck and start again.
Removing the virtuoso.lck
as advised there should resolve the issue.
In a normal shutdown, Virtuoso will clean up this file. If power is cycled, or the Virtuoso process is otherwise uncleanly terminated, this file may linger, as in this case, and so need to be manually removed.
The Virtuoso website has a vast amount of information, including the official Virtuoso manual and the evolving docs, covering Open Source in more detail.
ObDisclaimer: OpenLink Software produces Virtuoso, and employs me.