I am trying to bind some group radio buttons with NgModel and take their values inside my component. The problem is that when I use 'data-toggle="buttons"' I cannot catch the click or change event. How can I solve this problem?
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">
<label class="btn btn-default active">
<input type="radio" [(ngModel)]="period" (click)="dec()" value="yesterday" name="options" id="option1" autocomplete="off" checked> Yestedray
<label class="btn btn-default">
<input type="radio" [(ngModel)]="period" value="today" name="options" id="option2" autocomplete="off"> Today
<label class="btn btn-default">
<input type="radio" [(ngModel)]="period" value="currentMonth" name="options" id="option3" autocomplete="off"> January
<label class="btn btn-default">
<input type="radio" [(ngModel)]="period" value="last6Months" name="options" id="option3" autocomplete="off"> Last 6 Months
<label class="btn btn-default">
<input type="radio" [(ngModel)]="period" value="lastYear" name="options" id="option3" autocomplete="off"> Last Year
You can get rid of data-toggle
attr here.
<label class="btn btn-default" [class.active]='period === "yesterday"'>
<input type="radio" [(ngModel)]="period" value="yesterday" name="options" id="option1" autocomplete="off" checked> Yestedray
Also you can you ReactiveForms and subscribe to valueChanges