Well, I am so tired of trying to install Tensorflow
in Anaconda
, I have installed anaconda successfully, but when I am going to install form this link, Anaconda installation on Step 4, I am seeing some exception.
I have executed this line of command
pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/windows/cpu/tensorflow-1.0.0-cp35-cp35m-win_x86_64.whl
However it's terminating showing a red single line exception.
Later I have searched for some solution on here and there. I have found some solution too. In this solution is done for only MAC OX
and Linux
only, not for Windows
. Later I found somewhere to use the python version 2.7 so I have downgraded the Python
in lower version, however it was same. But this time I can able to to execute the MAC OX command successfully and in my prompt it shows that install successful. But when I had gone to import Tensorflow
then again an error is threading, like this
I have also found the some other solutions link1 link2, however none of them are done in which process I'm approaching. I am in a quiet confusion what kind of error or exception it is? And how do I overcome it?
Tensorflow has been installed successfully from this link, Now a different problem is being facing. When I am going to import tensorflow in my workspace it providing this error.
It looks like it cannot find the required CUDA libraries. Did you install the CUDA Toolkit 8.0 and cuDNN 5.1?
You will have to install the CUDA Toolkit 8.0 e.g. from here and the cuDNN package from e.g. here and then put the cuDNN-installation-path/win10/bin
on your path (depending on your windows version of course)
Also the following two posts might help you out: