I am making use of QuickFix/N
With an initiator/Client app does anyone know if there is a way to identify if the quickfix app is using Primary Host SocketConnectHost=xxx and SocketConnectPort=yyyy or Alternative/Backup/Secondary Host i.e. SocketConnectHost1=rrr and SocketConnectPort=zzz to connect to the server/acceptor.
Looking at the QuickFix Config tutorial i dont see anything that lets me find out.
http://quickfixn.org/tutorial/configuration.html http://www.quickfixengine.org/quickfix/doc/html/configuration.html
There is no API for that, but the information is known inside QuickFIX/N. It does log it, here: https://github.com/connamara/quickfixn/blob/master/QuickFIXn/Transport/SocketInitiator.cs#L226
If you want to dig this information out, you can either modify QuickFIX/N to make some private things public (look for socketEndPoint
), or implement a logger which captures the relevant phrase, or do some system-level introspection, i.e. use a system API to ask "What TCP connections do I have open now," like this: Get all TCP-connections opened by application using C#