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Can't use "draggable" inside an Angular Dashboard Framework Widget

I'm trying to use an draggable element inside an adf-widget, but it seems that draggable="true" is ignored inside adf-widgets.

i've tried the simplest way with, to test if draggable="true" is working:

<div style="background-color: #000000; width: 50px; height 50px;" draggable="true">...</div>

but it wont become draggable. Is there an other way to get an element draggable?


  • It seems that ADF-Wigets are overwriting "draggable attributes". I resolved this issue using ngMouseenter and javascript like:

    <div class="draggable-element" ng-repeat="item in itemlist" id="{{}} ng-mouseenter="setDraggable(>{{}}</div>

    And inside my controller:

    $scope.setDraggable = function(id){
       document.getElementById(id).setAttribute('draggable', true);