I have a problem with join on varchar
I'm going to update SQL data from Excel data by product code but Twr_Kod
is varchar
and it is the only way to join with Excel data.
There is also problem with convert to varchar when there are leading zeros.
select CDN.Towary.Twr_Kod, excel.Twr_Kod
from CDN.Towary
left join openrowset('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0',
Excel 8.0;Database=C:\excel\towary.xlsx;',
'select * from [Arkusz1$]') excel
on cast(CDN.Towary.Twr_Kod as varchar) = cast(excel.Twr_Kod as varchar)
I know it is not a good solution to join on varchar column but it's necessary so please help why cast is not converting.
The problem is because your excel column contains mixed data types. When importing csv file or excel files with mixed data types column it will replace non dominant types by null. (Using Oledb or Ace.Oledb)
Add IMEX=1;
to your openrowset connectionstring and add a dummy first row containning text values
Follow my answer at Import error using Openrowset to get more details