I have a RandomForestRegressor
, GBTRegressor
and I'd like to get all parameters of them. The only way I found it could be done with several get methods like:
from pyspark.ml.regression import RandomForestRegressor, GBTRegressor
est = RandomForestRegressor()
But RandomForestRegressor
and GBTRegressor
have different parameters so it's not a good idea to hardcore all that methods.
A workaround could be something like this:
get_methods = [method for method in dir(est) if method.startswith('get')]
params_est = {}
for method in get_methods:
key = method[3:]
params_est[key] = getattr(est, method)()
except TypeError:
Then output will be like this:
{'CacheNodeIds': False,
'CheckpointInterval': 10,
'FeatureSubsetStrategy': 'auto',
'FeaturesCol': 'features',
'Impurity': 'variance',
'LabelCol': 'label',
'MaxBins': 32,
'MaxDepth': 5,
'MaxMemoryInMB': 256,
'MinInfoGain': 0.0,
'MinInstancesPerNode': 1,
'NumTrees': 20,
'PredictionCol': 'prediction',
'Seed': None,
'SubsamplingRate': 1.0}
But I think there should be a better way to do that.
can be used to get all params from every estimator, for example:
>>> est = RandomForestRegressor()
>>> {param[0].name: param[1] for param in est.extractParamMap().items()}
{'numTrees': 20, 'cacheNodeIds': False, 'impurity': 'variance', 'predictionCol': 'prediction', 'labelCol': 'label', 'featuresCol': 'features', 'minInstancesPerNode': 1, 'seed': -5851613654371098793, 'maxDepth': 5, 'featureSubsetStrategy': 'auto', 'minInfoGain': 0.0, 'checkpointInterval': 10, 'subsamplingRate': 1.0, 'maxMemoryInMB': 256, 'maxBins': 32}
>>> est = GBTRegressor()
>>> {param[0].name: param[1] for param in est.extractParamMap().items()}
{'cacheNodeIds': False, 'impurity': 'variance', 'predictionCol': 'prediction', 'labelCol': 'label', 'featuresCol': 'features', 'stepSize': 0.1, 'minInstancesPerNode': 1, 'seed': -6363326153609583521, 'maxDepth': 5, 'maxIter': 20, 'minInfoGain': 0.0, 'checkpointInterval': 10, 'subsamplingRate': 1.0, 'maxMemoryInMB': 256, 'lossType': 'squared', 'maxBins': 32}