I have about 100 input files which, after processing, generate more than 2000 output files. I would like to name the output files based on the names of the input file.
Here is the command I run:
Start cmd /k "G:Path\eachGeo.bat G:\Path\InputGeo\*.csv"
The input files are read via cmd
by executing the .bat
file. Output is stored at a different path:
outputfilename = 'Path\outputGeo\\' + Time.now.to_i.to_s +
'_' + eachTag[45..54] + '_output.csv'
In the code above I am using Time.now.to_i.to_s
to name the output files based on the current system time.
I would like to change this to be the name of the input file.
Normally you'd tackle it like this where you're using things like File.basename
to extract the relevant part of the original file path:
Dir.glob("path/*.csv") do |path|
CSV.open(path) do |csv_in|
# ...
out_path = "output_path/%s_%s.csv" % [
File.basename(path, ".csv"),
CSV.open(out_path, "w") do |csv_out|
# ...
This is a really simple example. I'd avoid putting your output files in the same directory as the input ones so you don't mistakenly read them in again when you run the program a second time.