I am trying to implement a "reducing map" function. That is, it should return a sequence consisting of the result of applying f
to the first 2 items of coll
, followed by the result of applying f
to that result and the third item in coll
, etc.
(def c [[0 0 0 0] [1 0 0 0] [0 1 0 0] [0 0 1 0] [0 0 0 1]])
(defn- sum-vector [v1 v2]
(map + v1 v2))
(defn reduce-map [f coll & acc]
(if (< (count coll) 2)
(if (empty? acc) coll acc)
(let [head (apply f (take 2 coll))
tail (drop 2 coll)]
(recur f (conj tail head) (conj acc head)))))
For example, calling this function like this:
(reduce-map sum-vector c)
should return:
[[1 0 0 0] [1 1 0 0] [1 1 1 0] [1 1 1 1]]
(Actually, it should probably return the first item unmodified as well, to better mimic map
, but I can fix that later.)
Right, now, this is what it returns:
((1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 0) (1 1 0 0) (1 0 0 0))
How do I "push" at the end of a(ny) seq?
If I substitute reduce-map
for recur
, this is what it returns:
(((1 1 1 1) ((1 1 1 0) ((1 1 0 0) ((1 0 0 0))))))
What is the difference between recur
and true recursion in my code above?
And, is there a built-in, or better, or more idiomatic, way of implementing reduce-map
Finally, I'd like the output sequence to be lazy. Do I just wrap the whole thing in lazy-seq
This sounds a little bit like reductions
As to "pushing" at the end of seq: in general seqs don't have an "end", cf. (iterate inc 0)
As to "pushing" at the end of a list: lists are not designed for that. Use a vector. Seed your accumulator with []
, not nil
As to lazy-seq
: Use "true" recursion instead of recur
. Here an example:
(defn integer-seq
(cons start (integer-seq (inc start)))))