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Swift 3: get information from server in ViewDidLoad and when click a button, wait for information response from server

In my app, I want to call an async function (using alamofire) in ViewDidLoad, and user can still interact with the view until he presses a button, and I want the app to show progress hud if the async function is not finished or go to next view if it's finished. I don't want to call the async function on button click, because it may take sometimes and user has to wait longer compare to I call the async function at ViewDidLoad How can I do this?


  • Edit - use enum to hold the view controller state

    enum State {
        case Loading
        case Ready
        case ShowNext
    var state: State
    func viewDidLoad() {
      state = .Loading
      makeAsyncCall() { (finished) in 
         if state == .ShowNext {
         } else {
             state = .Ready
    func buttonTapped() {
     if state == .Ready {
     } else {
        state = .ShowNext