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Crypto++ explicit destruction during encryption/decryption?

I wrote some wrapper functions to encrypt/decrypt files using crypto++. I tried looking in the wiki but could find my answer. I am wondering if I need to explicitly destroy my objects that are created?

I found in the wiki that some objects when passed into functions are destroyed for you, but no examples of my exact use were there so I just wanted to be sure.

   CryptoPP::AutoSeededRandomPool prng;
   //Key generation
   prng.GenerateBlock(key, sizeof(key));
   //IV generation
   byte iv[AES::BLOCKSIZE];
   prng.GenerateBlock(iv, sizeof(iv));

   //print key
   StringSource(key, sizeof(key), true, new HexEncoder(new StringSink(encoded)));
   cout << "key: " << encoded << endl;
   cout << "Size of key: " << sizeof(key) << endl;

   //print iv
   StringSource(iv, sizeof(iv), true, new HexEncoder(new StringSink(encoded)));
   cout << "iv: " << encoded << endl;
   cout << "Size of iv: " << sizeof(iv) << endl;

   //See function below
   encrypt_file(inFile, outFile, key, iv, err); 


Once in this function the bytes arrays are truncated for some reason


    bool encrypt_file(std::ifstream& inFile,
       std::ofstream& outFile,
       const byte* key, const byte* iv,
       std::string& errMsg)
       std::string encoded;
       //print key
       StringSource(key, sizeof(key), true, new HexEncoder(new StringSink(encoded)));
       cout << "key: " << encoded << endl;
       cout << "Size of key: " << sizeof(key) << endl;

       //print iv
       StringSource(iv, sizeof(iv), true, new HexEncoder(new StringSink(encoded)));
       cout << "iv: " << encoded << endl;
       cout << "Size of iv: " << sizeof(iv) << endl;
       try {
          CryptoPP::CBC_Mode<CryptoPP::AES>::Encryption e;
          e.SetKeyWithIV(key, sizeof(key), iv);
          CryptoPP::FileSource(inFile, true, new CryptoPP::StreamTransformationFilter(e, new CryptoPP::FileSink(outFile)));
       catch (CryptoPP::Exception& e) {
          errMsg = e.GetWhat();
          return false;
       return true;


key: 6574D7BDFD0DD3BC59CD3846D4A196A8
Size of key: 16
iv: 1B4ED692F91A32246B41F63F6B8C6EAA
Size of iv: 16
key: 6574D7BDFD0DD3BC
Size of key: 8
iv: 1B4ED692F91A3224
Size of iv: 8


  • No, you don't. The objects you create have automatic storage duration, which means their destructor will be automatically invoked at the end of their scope. Moreover, the arguments that you pass with new will be owned by the Crypto++ objects, and their corresponding destructor will release the memory for you. They fall into the category of a sink or a filter, and it turns out that you also pass the ownership. For more details see:

    Basically this is what happens (super simplified example):

    #include <iostream>
    struct Foo{};
    class X
        Foo *p_;
        X(Foo* p): p_(p) {}
        // we'd also need a copy ctor and copy assignment operator, ignored here
            std::cout << "Releasing the memory...\n";
            delete p_;
    int main()
        X x(new Foo()); // sinking, no memory leak

    Live on Coliru

    I have to say that this is by far my least favourite style of software design. One can use templates and mixins to probably achieve similar things (read about policy based design), without pointers floating around with no clear ownership.