I'm trying to call gpg2 from a Powershell script. I need to pass parameters with embedded quotes but I get some very odd behavior when I look at the results from echoargs or the executable directly.
$Passphrase = "PassphraseWith!$#" #don't worry, real passphrase not hardcoded!
$Filename = "\\UNC\path\with\a space\mydoc.pdf.pgp"
$EncyptedFile = $Filename -replace "\\", "/"
$DecryptedFile = $EncyptedFile -replace ".pgp" , ""
$args = "--batch", "--yes", "--passphrase `"`"$PGPPassphrase`"`"", "-o `"`"$DecryptedFile`"`"", "-d `"`"$EncyptedFile`"`""
& echoargs $args
& gpg2 $args
gpg requires me to use double quotes for the passphrase because it has symbols and for the paths because of a space (confirmed this works when I run a sample single command directly from command prompt). Also, gpg wants UNC paths with forward slashes (confirmed this works too).
As you can see I am trying to wrap the passphrase and file paths with paired escaped double quotes because echoargs seems to indicate the outer quotes are being stripped off. Here is what i get from echoargs:
Arg 0 is <--batch>
Arg 1 is <--yes>
Arg 2 is <--passphrase "PassphraseWith!$#">
Arg 3 is <-o "//UNC/path/with/a space/mydoc.pdf">
Arg 4 is <-d "//UNC/path/with/a space/mydoc.pdf.pgp">
Command line:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\PowerShell Community Extensions\Pscx3\PSCX\Apps\EchoArgs.exe" --batch --yes "--pass
phrase ""PassphraseWith!$#""" "-o ""//UNC/path/with/a space/mydoc.pdf""" "-d ""//UNC/path/with/a space/mydo
However, gpg2 gives the following result (whether run from ISE or PS directly):
gpg2.exe : gpg: invalid option "--passphrase "PassphraseWith!$#""
If I try & gpg2 "$args"
to convert the array to a string then I get the following similar result:
gpg2.exe : gpg: invalid option "--batch --yes --passphrase "PassphraseWith!$#"
Any ideas on this one?
@PetSerAl's solution: You need to tokenize the flag/parameter and its value, so split out into two elements in the array:
"--passphrase", "`"$Passphrase`""
not combined as:
"--passphrase `"`"$Passphrase`"`""
Note that regular Powershell escaping quotes using backticks works fine here. Full example below:
$Passphrase = "PassphraseWith!$#" #don't worry, real passphrase not hardcoded!
$Filename = "\\UNC\path\with\a space\mydoc.pdf.pgp"
$EncyptedFile = $Filename -replace "\\", "/"
$DecryptedFile = $EncyptedFile -replace ".pgp" , ""
$params = "--batch", "--quiet", "--yes", "--passphrase", "`"$Passphrase`"", "-o", "`"$DecryptedFile`"", "-d", "`"$EncyptedFile`""
& echoargs $params
& gpg2 $params