Several examples exist of how to use sed to add text to the end of a line based on matching a general pattern. Here's one example.
In that example, the poster starts with
all: thing otherthing
some other stuff
and wants to add to the end of all:
, like this:
all: thing otherthing anotherthing
some other stuff
All well and good. But, what happens if anotherthing
is already there?!
I'd like to find the line starting with all:
, test for the existence of anotherthing
, and only add it if it is missing from the line.
How might I do that?
My specific case is testing kernel
lines in grub.conf
for the existence of boot=
and fips=1
, and adding either or both of those arguments only if they're not already in the line. (I want the search/add to be idempotent.)
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '/^all:/!b;/anotherthing/!s/$/ anotherthing/' file
Disrequard any lines not starting with all:
and only substitute lines that do not contain anotherthing