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SQL Change Column header to value from another column

I am trying to pull price data for multiple stocks. Everything is in columns, including the tickers to when I try to pull data for more than one stock I can't figure out how to have the ticker in the column header for each stock. The below code works for one stock but returns nothing for two.

This is what I get for one stock:

RecDate     TKR PRI

9/18/2002   CVS 13.86

But I want to be able to get this:

RecDate     CVS    ORCL

9/18/2002   13.86   60

Have been using this to pull the prices:

SELECT RecDate, TKR, PRI FROM dbo.Stockdatabase 
WHERE RecDate >= DateAdd(YEAR, -5, GetDate()) AND TKR='CSCO' 

How do I make this work for multiple stocks? Thank you!


  • You can use conditional aggregation or pivot:

    SELECT RecDate,
           MAX(CASE WHEN TKR = 'CSCO' THEN PRI END) as pri_csco,
           MAX(CASE WHEN TKR = 'ABC' THEN PRI END) as pri_abc
    FROM dbo.Stockdatabase s
    WHERE RecDate >= DateAdd(YEAR, -5, GetDate()) AND
          TKR IN ('CSCO' , 'ABC')
    GROPU BY RecDate
    ORDER BY RecDate;