I wanted to test my component's $onChanges
after creating controller with
service. However I didn't know how to trigger/test $onChanges
. I tried to change bindings object that was passed to $componentController
but changes were not picket up.
However I was able to do the same with the use of good old $compile
& $rootScope
describe("test component", function() {
angular.module('test', []).component('component', {
template: '<span>{{$ctrl.text}}</span>',
bindings: {
'text': '@'
controller: function() {
this.$onChanges = function(changesObj) {
console.log("onChanges called", changesObj);
var $compile, $rootScope;
beforeEach(inject(function (_$rootScope_, _$compile_) {
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
$compile = _$compile_;
it('should call onChanges', function() {
var scope = $rootScope.$new()
scope.text = 'original text';
var el = $compile('<component text="{{text}}" />')(scope);
scope.text = 'text has changed';
My question is: when testing $onChanges
with $componentController
, do I have to manually call $onChanges
and build changesObj
Yes, I think so. It helps to focus on the intention of your test.
If you try some high-level manipulation that will eventually trigger the onChanges hook, you are actually exercising the internal behavior of Angular and your code at the same time. This is probably not your intention here.
Acknowledging that you are using Angular and expecting something specific from this hook, calling it explicitly makes sense.