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How to explode text in one column from excel into 2 model in django?

I have a problem when exploding text from one column in ms excel and insert it into 2 column in Django models. this is my

class UploadFileForm(forms.Form):
    file = forms.FileField()

def import_data(request):
    if request.method == "POST":
        form = UploadFileForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
        if form.is_valid():
                mapdict=['tanggal', 'kode','unit','keterangan', 'nominal'],

            return HttpResponse("OK", status=200)
            return HttpResponseBadRequest('Gagal Upload')
        form = UploadFileForm()
        return render(request, 'kastransaksi/transaksi_formupload.html', {'form': form})

it's my

class Transaksi(models.Model):
    tanggal = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)
    kode = models.CharField(max_length=2, null=True, blank=True)
    unit = models.CharField(max_length=2, null=True, blank=True)
    keterangan = models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True, blank=True)
    nominal = models.IntegerField(null=True, blank=True)

and my excel file consist just three columns

tangal        keterangan                                   nominal
19/01/2016    944448800010303282-SPP Raihanah Barmim       205000
19/02/2016    944448800010303282-SPP Raihanah Barmim       205000

I want to split text from 'keterangan' column into my Django model field there are 'kode' and 'unit'. How to do it?


  • save_to_database is a convenient method to import an excel sheet into a database model only. If the spread sheet needs further data munging, you can always obtain pyexcel sheet and then continue to do further formatting, then call save_to_django_model.

            sheet = request.FILES['file'].get_sheet()
            ...process sheet data..
                mapdict=['tanggal', 'kode','unit','keterangan', 'nominal'],
            return HttpResponse("OK", status=200)

    Here is the example data wrangling code:

    >>> import pyexcel as p
    >>> s=p.get_sheet(file_name='42381732.tsv')
    >>> s
    | tangal     | keterangan                             | nominal |
    | 19/01/2016 | 944448800010303282-SPP Raihanah Barmim | 205000  |
    | 19/02/2016 | 944448800010303282-SPP Raihanah Barmim | 205000  |
    >>> rows = [row.split() for row in s.column[1][1:]]
    >>> rows
    [[u'944448800010303282-SPP', u'Raihanah', u'Barmim'], [u'944448800010303282-SPP', u'Raihanah', u'Barmim']]
    >>> rows= [[row[0], ' '.join(row[1:])] for row in rows]
    >>> rows
    [[u'944448800010303282-SPP', u'Raihanah Barmim'], [u'944448800010303282-SPP', u'Raihanah Barmim']]
    >>> rows = [['kode', 'unit']] + rows
    >>> rows
    [['kode', 'unit'], [u'944448800010303282-SPP', u'Raihanah Barmim'], [u'944448800010303282-SPP', u'Raihanah Barmim']]
    >>> s.extend_columns_with_rows(rows)
    >>> s
    | tangal     | keterangan                             | nominal | kode                   | unit            |
    | 19/01/2016 | 944448800010303282-SPP Raihanah Barmim | 205000  | 944448800010303282-SPP | Raihanah Barmim |
    | 19/02/2016 | 944448800010303282-SPP Raihanah Barmim | 205000  | 944448800010303282-SPP | Raihanah Barmim |